Project 3: 3D Printing

 After modeling up my Penguin chess set, I rendered it out and also printed it out.


Before printing everything, I was concerning whether the beaks will be printed fine, so I tried using supports out before printing the whole piece. The outcome seem to be work great, including the concerning bishop whole on the piece, so I started working with the entire piece.

< Concerning version of Emperor Penguin-King Piece >

< Changing its size didn't seem to solve the problem >

When I delivered my file to Prusa Slicer, I found that the crown on top of it is quite small that didn't developed well in the program. Tried changing size and it doesn't seem to be fixing the problem. After I printed it out, I figured that it actually doesn't print well. I changed its design, so that it would have volume. The newly built model sliced well in the Prusa Slicer, so I printed it.

< Crown printed poorly >

< Changed Design >

< Changed Design in Prusa Slicer >

< Printed Emperor Penguin - King Piece >

< Adelie Penguin - Rook Piece in Prusa Slicer >

< Printed Adelie Penguin Piece - Rook Piece >

< Gentoo Penguin - Bishop Piece in Prusa Slicer >

< Gentoo Penguin - Bishop Piece >

< Concerning Macaroni >

From original design, macaroni's eyebrow was too small at the first time that it didn't look great in the Prusa Slicer and then I made it larger but it was overhaning quite a bit, and I ended up building a support manually with Peter's help.

< Manual Support >

< Macaroni Penguin - Knight >

It worked out!

< Chinstrap Penguin - Pawn Piece >

< King Penguin - Queen Piece >

I think I messed up with the size and it came out smaller than I expected, however didn't have enough time to fix everything. King and queen pieces are about 5.5cm height and the rest are about 4.7cm. I was hoping with height and decorations, I could show some hierarchy, however I am not confident with that any more, since my knight piece and pawn came out bigger than I thought. I didn't use any infill, but it came out fairly sturdy and I like the simple shape of the outcome, but if I have more time in the future, I would like to develop their shape more detailed, so that if would be more realistic. Overall, it was nice experience to try out 3D printing with more complex designs. I am glad that with supports, I could print my designs as I intended.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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