Project 6 Submission : PAPER CRAFT: RESEARCH


Among all the beautiful and exquisite works that was listed on the OBDF webpage, I would like to discuss about Yulia Brodskaya's work. 

                                          Figure 1                                            Figure 2

                                                Figure 3                                                  Figure 4

1. Explain the work as you understand it (2-3 paragraphs)

I was amazed by Brodskaya's delicate works with different reasons.
Firstly, her understanding and acknowledging of lights and shadow is superb. In figure 1, she used spectrum of colors varying from dark red to white for one hue, and various blue colors for shadow. And this blue shadow is highly convincing since normal daylight will make blue colors shadow and it might be reflected color from figure's blue clothing.
Also, it is interesting that she is using various sides of the paper, which is thin side and planar side. And Also the control of the amount of paper in area is smart to avoid busy and shaded white color.

For Figure 2, it is interesting that she is using lineal side of paper and turns that into a planar side. Color palette that is used there are apple's local color and they are making nice and harmonious contrast.

For figure 3, the exquisite line work has done. The craft is really high, when it comes to the control of the individual lineal work and shapes that was formed from them.
Rolled circles on the left top corner is very effective in avoiding boring repetition of the shape.

For figure 4, Brodskaya explored different side of the paper which is making nice contrast between busy leaf top and other planar surfaces like flower petal or below side of the leaf. The control of color makes very consistent color palette, adopting the object's mood and creating harmony within the pieces.

2. seek out additional information on the internet to expand on the artist's ideas or processes.

The technique that she use is simply curling while considering the degree of curling. And that is why she would prefer to use thicker papers than ultra thin papers, since they tend to tear while being curled. When purchasing papers, she also considers the color combination as well. Her work process start with sketch with details and cut papers into strips. After shaping paper strip it will be simply applied on paper with glue.

3. Explain how/why this artist/work inspires you or why you selected it for your review (1-2 paragraphs)

I chose this artist to appreciate more of her work. I think the way how one ingredient could be express such various texture  is very fascinating. Also, she is very confident in expressing lineal work or planar work, with different techniques.
Adopting different colors that are harmonious make it satisfying to look at, and it also draw people's attention immediately. This kind of not limited use of geometry features, and adopting color theory into work is one of the goal that I want to achieve.

4. Sources.

Brodskaya, Yulia. Apple, Shell Spiral, Pond Leaves,
DW Euromaxx. "3D images out of strips of paper | Folding paper art | Rolling paper art | Bending paper art." Youtube. Oct. 2018,


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