Project 2 Submission



I am posting the second Project from OBDF class. 

For this assignment, I had to generate new meaning through items which are hardly related each other. 

From my understanding, Remix culture is done by adding new perspective of view on idea that already have been existed. 

The new perspective or idea will be something that are not related with the original idea before. 

And at the same time, I think remix shouldn't completely take original meaning away.

The hardship I encountered during this project was recognizing objects around me. 

It took me some time to think of ingredients to create new meanings.

1. Banana light : Organic power.

   I mixed banana and telephone poles to generate the idea 'Organic power.' 

To represent each word, I used banana (for organic) and telephone pole (for power).

 - Used objects : Banana, Telephone Pole.

 Booombanan.stl. 28 Feb, 2017
ToriLeighRUtility_Pole.stl. 07 Aug, 2021

2. Laptop theatre : Reuse of shape.

I found the shape of laptop looks like a movie theatre, so I adopted projector and woman figure to present the scene. 

- Used objects : Laptop, Projector, woman figure. Back of the seat from Tinkercad.

BcjamsOpen_Position.stl. 21 Aug, 2018.

MasterkoffPhone projector. 0Feb, 2016.

ModelsharingWoman Sitting. 07 Sep, 2019.

3. Tape snail : Beauty in organic shape.

To present the beauty of organic shape, I thought of snails who leave trails behind their back. 

And to visually present the beauty of the trails, I chose patterned tape. 

 - Used objects : Snail, Tape.

CrashdebugSchnecke_combined1a5_high_body. 16 Aug, 2016.

SybouletteCylinder_box_top.stl. 30 Jan, 2019.

4. Staplligator : Presenting idea of organic shape and joy of it.

Stapler is an item which is use in the offices and it could be feel a little inflexible. 

And I thought I can improve its value by changing its shape. 

From its original shape, I could relate stapler with the jaw of alligator so I adopted its body to present my idea.

 - Used objects : Stapler, Alligator. 28 Feb, 2014.

Syzguru11staplerlopoly.stl. 15 Jun, 2020.

5. Caffeine Therapy : Relaxation people get from a short break with coffee.

I generated this idea from a coffee bean. Personally coffee is always a break mate for myself, and I tried to convey that idea visually. 

So I put bean bag, which has a shape of a coffee bean. On top of it, there's a woman's figure who are relaxed. 

Additionally, to strengthen my idea, I added a mug with coffee and few books, which will present the idea of relaxation.

- Used objects : Woman Figure, Coffee Bean, Mug, Book piles.

KrystallawsSuper_amberis1.stl. 09 May, 2016.

ModelsharingWomansitting2.stl. 07 Sep, 2019

Tc_feaCoffee_mug_120602a_ctr.stl. 06 Jun, 2012.

Tcp491016, 04 Mar, 2020

6. Light (bulb) house : Extension of the meaning that protective glass inherent, into a home.

This idea was originally generated from analyzing light bulb's structure and each parts' uses. 

Among them, I focused on the use of filament and the 'protective' glass.

These idea lead me to the idea of house, where there's warm light and also protect me, so I built in little apartment within a light bulb.

 - Used objects : Light bulb, Standing light, Woman figure, Sofa, Dog.  Tile, Bed from Tinkercad and Filament made within Tinkercad.

MakerBotDog_int130.stl.    05 Jul, 2013.

ModelsharingWoman Sitting Position. 29 Nov, 2019.

Muzz64Bulb.stl, Base.stl. Apr, 2017.

Natwatson84, Floor_lamp.stl.  18 Jan, 2018.

Novotnyo, Chair_sds2_wide4.stl. 28 May, 2020.

7.  Know Yourself : Think about yourself first before throw shadow on someone.

This idea started from turtle. 

It is an animal which is well known for its slow speed and because of that it has been represent all things that are slow and often compared with other animals that are fast. 

But it being slow is simply its way of living and there's no reason for it to be blamed for it. 

So I turned its hard shell at the back into a mirror, so that people will be able to see themselves instead of looking at a turtle. 

And I also added text which directly present it's meaning and also added Socrates to strengthen my idea. 

When expressing mirror, I tried this by adding transparent layer on top of light blue surface, but it didn't turned out great, so I am providing more information. 

I think I could add some bright color in some of the spot to express its surface.

- Used objects : Turtle body, head and shell, Socrates. Type writing was made within Tinkercad.

JakejakeBottom.STL, Lopoly_Top.STL. 09 Apr, 2017.

3DWPSorcratesBust.stl. Oct, 2017.

8. Pushpin interior : Bringing playful aesthetic and unfamiliar idea to a space.

While analyzing push pins' shape and its use, I figured their shapes are composed with different heights and thickness of cylinder which immediately lead my thought to furniture with those shapes. 

So I thought of a cafe scene with pushpin interior. Pins without handle resembles shape of stool so they were used as chairs, And pins with handle comes in heightened height, so I used it as a table. 

And to present dynamic atmosphere, I adopted some living figures like people, dog and also used different colors of pushpins. 

Wall and floor are patterned just so it could present a cork board.

- Used objects : Pushpins, Woman figure 1&2, Dog, Mug, Tile. Flat pushpins are made within Tinkercad. 

MakerBot, Jul, 2013.

Modelsharing, Woman Sitting Position. 29 Nov, 2019.

ModelsharingWomansitting2.stl. 07 Sep, 2019

Tangmu, Lancashire_opus_tile_200mm_88mm. Jun, 2020.

Tc_feaCoffee_mug_120602a_ctr.stl. 06 Jun, 2012.

ZakkBlog, GianPushPin-PinZB.stl. Jan, 2016.

9.  Experience grows into ideas

For this object, I focused on chest's material and its use to keep everything. 

I assumed what that is accumulated in the chest is experience or emotion that people have been gathering, and I adopted trees to let it reach out from the chest which will lead to the new idea (bulbs.)

 - Used objects : Bulbs, Chest, and Tree.

Antoniomonteiro, Jan, 2017.

Muzz64Bulb.stl, Base.stl. Apr, 2017.

RobagonWooden_Treasure_Chest.stl. Jul, 2018.

10.  The process

Presented process with using a complex sphere, a yarn, and a key. 

To stress its problem getting refined, also used color from dark brown to bright yellow.

 - Used objects : Yarn, Key. String, and rough surfaced sphere made within Tinkercad.

Alexhb, Surprise Yarn Ball Container. 09 Jan, 2015.

O0aaron0o, Deathly Hallows Key. 09 Feb, 2017.


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