9월, 2022의 게시물 표시

Week 1. Rebuilding Project

The building I chose to reproduce in 3D model is Calgary's Firehall 1 building, located in Calgary downtown. Program I used for 3d modeling is Rhino. To start off, I measured the approximate ratio of the components on the building, as you can see in the photo. And based on the ratio, I build a frontal side of the building. After making door spaces, photos above are showing how I made windows using Booleandifference. This is how I made the corner blocks of the building. The challenging part was, to get a smooth and round corner where all the four pieces are connecting each other. The second photo is showing how I got the 45 degree angled corner. I rotated a cube using gumball and used 'move' to meet the two corners of the shapes and used'Booleandifference.' And this is the finished band in the middle of the building. As the reference photo show, it has different size of the edges. Above are the detailed photo of window rest. used the same meathod to get the smooth an...

Week 2 : Drawing in 2D

 Week 2 Rhino Assignment : Make these Shapes! What I found challenging was to make a peanut shape on fourth low. I searched how to get those shapes and I could learn to use 'blendcrv.' It is a feature that connects two curves smoothly and it is also possible to adjust curve that was made between original curves. Otherwise, I learning 'array along curve' feature looked very interesting and convenient, since it cuts down all the process to copy, move, and make a shape out of them.

Week 2 : Pattern Research

These are the examples of the pattern research. I could recognize few features of the pattern: 1. The negative/positive use of the space,  2. Unity of the pattern when repeated,  3. Expansion in 4 or often 8 ways of the shape,  4. Or having symmetrical pattern 5. And doesn't follow non of the rules above 6. Or, come in unique but repeatable shape.   Not only using positive and negative space, patterns often involve interesting line works.