OBDF 210 Wrap up!
Through out the semester, I could learn a lot more features of Rhino, on top of using geometric shapes. For example, using SubD and building more curved edged and opposing organic line models. < From Project 1: Laser Cut Piece, Modeled and Rendered in Rhino > < Laser cut done > https://objectdfsk.blogspot.com/2022/10/project-1-summary.html < From Modeling Organic Object Assignment > https://objectdfsk.blogspot.com/2022/10/week-6-exercise-3d-scanning-of-organic.html < From Project 2: Reverse Engineered Object > https://objectdfsk.blogspot.com/2022/12/project-2-rendering-and-axo-drawing.html < From Project 3: Game Set Project > https://objectdfsk.blogspot.com/2022/12/project-3-3d-modeling.html I also leaned a lot how 3D fabrication is using in field, as fine art pieces, homes, in different size and magnitute. < Gabriel Schama's wood printing piece. > < fully 3D printed construction with Crane WASP Printer ...