Project 8 Submission : Papercraft Objects: Final Revision
From last class, I got abundant ideas of how I can improve my object. The main goals were as follows. 1. Making solid connection between objects. 2. Re-design parts with short height that couldn't be assembled as three-dimensional parts. (Scale issue) 3. Add decorative parts for more realistic look. For the first matter, I received a feedback of making extensions on one side of the neck which can be attached with body more securely. Also there was another opinion saying lengthening neck and attach with bridge part that will come out from a whole of the guitar body. And as a solution, I combined these two approaches. I lengthened guitar's neck and made it sort of penetrate the guitar body all the way through. With this way, the body and the neck were securely connected. Also, the sturdiness of the body was enhanced since lengthened neck worked as a skeleton of the guitar body. And to make this happen, I adopted a larger paper to lessen the number of the body pieces. It used to ...